Outcomes theory knowledge base (Org)

This knowledge base provides a systematic treatment of outcomes theory as applied to managing the performance of organizations, programs, policies and collaborations [Org]. This site is for those interested in theory. If you want a practical implementation of this theory that can be used to design and implement working outcomes, evaluation, monitoring and performance management systems, you should use Systematic Outcomes Analysis based on the Outcomes Is It Working Analysis (OIIWA) approach from www.oiiwa.org site. If using any ideas or material from this knowledge base please cite this reference as: Duignan, P. (2005-insert current year) Insert name of page in Outcomes Theory Knowledge Base (Organizational) [Available at www.outcomestheory.org]. Any comments on any aspect of this knowledge base appreciated, please send to paul (at) parkerduignan.com.

Site map (Org) [P1-1]

Site map (org)[P1-1] - [This page] listing of all of the pages with a brief description of each of them. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) (Org)[P1-2] - provides answers to FAQs regarding the knowledge base.

Overview of outcomes theory (Org)[P1-3] - overview of outcomes  theory.

Uses for outcomes theory (Org)[P2] - lists the possible uses for outcomes theory.

Relationship to other theories (Org)[P3] - details relationship to other theories.

Outcomes hierarchy definitions (Org)[P4] - definitions of outcomes hierarchies.

Five OIIWA outcomes system building blocks (Org) [P5] - outlines the five OIIWA building blocks fundamental to all outcomes systems.

Whole intervention outcome attribution designs feasiblity, timeliness and affordability (Org)[P6] - discusses the issues of feasibility, timeliness and affordability.

Characteristics of outcomes (Org)[P7] - sets out the characteristics on which outcomes can differ.

Seven whole-intervention high-level outcome attribution designs (Org)[P8] - details the seven possible outcome attribution evaluation designs.

Definitions (Org)[P9] - complete list of all of the definitions used in outcomes theory.

Principle: Indicator outcomes hierarchy coverage (Org)[P10] - mapping indicators onto the relevant outcomes hierarchy.

Principles: Relationship between outcomes in outcomes hierarchies(Org)[P11] - technical completeness of outcomes within outcomes hierarchies and possibilities for relationships between outcomes.  

Principles: Delegation of outcomes hierarchy achievement from control organizations to intervention organizations(Org)[P12] - delegation of parts or all of outcomes hierarchies by control organizations to intervention organizations. Trade-offs for control organizations. 

Principle: Attribution, outcome hierarchy response time and number of interventions(Org)[P13] - lagged outcomes hierarchies and the number of intervention organizations reduce the possibilities for attribution to specific interventions.

Principle: Measurement, attribution, accountability strategy(Org)[P14] - necessary and sufficient conditions for attribution and accountability, drawing exhaustive and truncated outcomes hierarchies and strategic advantage.

Principle: Equivalency of elements with same name(Org)[P15] - ensuring that elements within an outcomes hierarchy with the same characteristics have the same name.

Principle: Alternative outcomes hierarchy transition point decision making(Org)[P16] - criteria for moving from an initial hypothesized outcomes hierarchy to an alternative outcomes hierarchy.

Principles: Intervention organization accountability for outcomes and contracting(Org)[P17]- possibilities for control organizations and intervention organizations when contracting for outcomes.  

Principle: Response times for outcomes hierarchies and interventions(Org)[P18] - overshoot of interventions beyond the intervention response window.

Principles: Overall monitoring and evaluation models and prioritization(Org)[P19] - identifying models based on the mix of OIIWA building blocks for pilot/trial and/or full intervention roll-out.

Principles: Stakeholder interests and expectations(Org)[P20] - the influence of audience and participant stakeholders interests and expectations on level of attributional proof demanded and, in the case of participant stakeholders as an additional "intervention" in an outcomes hierarchy.


Copyright Dr Paul Duignan 2005 www.outcomestheory.org